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How to write the perfect CV part 1

Writing your CV can be a challenging prospect, but when you know what information to include and how to display it, the task is not as daunting as it first seems. We look through CVs on a daily basis, so we know exactly what it takes to stand out from the crowd and effectively showcase your skill set.

Although we are experts in CV writing, it’s important to remember that your CV is personal to you and so ultimately you should decide on the information you want to include.

The date

Something as small as adding the date to your CV can make the world of difference. Not only does it show that you are keeping your document up-to-date and that you have an eye for detail, but a recent date implies that you are actively looking (and therefore worth contacting), and that you might be new to your job search, meaning you’re unlikely to be at interview stage for other roles. All of these things are very attractive for a recruiter or hiring manager.

LinkedIn profile

Stand out from competition, add personality to your CV, and show that you are up-to-date with current trends. We would recommend that you keep your LinkedIn profile professional, optimise it for the industry you are looking to work in, and include it on your CV. And remember, if you are actively searching for work, make sure your other social profiles (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) are either private or kept professional.


An absolute no no for us is including a photograph of yourself on your CV. The way that you look should have no reflection on your professional application, and will not be taken into consideration as part of the hiring process.


The ‘two-page’ rule is a myth, and one that we don’t necessarily agree with. If you have a lot of experience that you think is relevant, then don’t be afraid to run over into three or four pages on your CV. Don’t ‘squeeze’ everything you have to say onto two pages and risk sacrificing important information that could land you a job. If necessary, you can always create a shortened version of your CV and offer a full version on request.

Personal profile

This should be a short paragraph and include three things;

  1. who you are and what your profession is
  2. personality traits that can be used in a working environment
  3. why you’re looking for work and what you want to achieve

Whether you want help from our Recruitment Specialist with writing your CV, or just need some advice on what information to include in your application, we can help you take the next steps to securing your dream job.

For more information please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or take a look through our packages.

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